Thank you for your interest in this project!
This demo is an early work-in-progress version for feedback purposes. This is not for evaluation purposes; there is still a long way to go on this product. There is still a lot that can change (and should change) before this game is ready to be released.
So please only play this demo if you intend to give some feedback.
If you are able, I would appreciate it if you would stream your play-though of this demo so I can see how people react and behave. You can mention this in the Eight Ball Gaming discord.
If you need a mac, linux, or 32-bit version, let me know and I’ll build one real quick.
Latest version:
Windows 64-bit (right-click and save-as)
Version notes:
If you have played multiple versions you may have save files from older versions. Please do not load save files from older versions; this can cause problems with the game.
v0.1.1 includes a major change to the input system that should have more universal support for gamepads. However if you are having trouble using a gamepad with that version, please try v0.1.0 and let me know which works better for you.
Older versions:
Windows 64-bit (right-click and save-as)
Windows 64-bit (right-click and save-as)
Windows 64-bit (right-click and save-as)